On February 5th 2010 Grandmpa Marshall passed away! He was 89. He was Hartman's grandfather! We are so grateful for the time we had with him and the example he was to his whole family! Luka was his 100th great grand child and right before he passed away he was able to meet his 102nd great grand child! His wife grandma Marshall passed away almost exactly 3 years prior in February 2007! Grandpa went into the hospital with an infection in his leg and within a week he passed away! It was really quick and even though it was very tough to hear, we know he is with Grandma and very excited to be with so much family on the other side!

Hartman loved his grandfather very much!

One thing the girls always thought was so fun about Grandpa was that he would always get you with his cane! They would tease him and try to have him hook them with his cane and they loved it! Sometimes they would really get hurt, but they always came back for more!

Grandma and Grandpa Stosich with Hartman and Isabella in 2004
We found out the news on a Saturday, so on Sunday morning Hartman's sister Jill drove up to Vegas from Arizona and we all rode up to Idaho together! I had flash backs of Grandma Marshall's funeral in February as well and remembered how cold it was! Hartman loves the cold and is always excited to see the snow! This is a view from the back of Hartman's mom and dad's house!

He is the happiest when he is home in the snow! He loves it! I love this picture of him cause I know how much he loves Idaho and can see it in his face!

The kids love this tire swing and rope swing at Grandma and Grandpa Stosich's house! They also love playing in the snow!
Their cousin Jenna on the rope swing! Such a cute picture!

Hartman being pulled by his brother Anthony on the 4 wheeler! They are for sure the biggest kids!

Sofia, Jenna, & Tyler having fun with cousins

Isabella with Madison

Sofia with Jenna



The kids love to see the projects that Grandpa Stosich is working on! Here he is sculpting with his clay.

Luka hanging out at G & G Stosich house! The kids made fun hats for him!

Aunt Jennifer and Shara helped put rollers in the girls hair as they get ready for Grandpa's viewing!
Grandpa Marshall

A table set up with some of Grandpa's things and pictures of his family! I don't know why, but it was hard for me to see his cane there!

Aunt Linda admiring baby Luka

Grandma Stosich giving Luka loves!

Ava watched many friends and family sniffling and crying at the viewing so I saw her with tissue in the corner wiping her eyes like she was crying! I thought it was really cute. I knew she really didn't understand what was going on, but I thought Grandpa would have gotten a kick out of it!

The family!

The morning of the funeral we took some pictures at the church building while waiting for the funeral to start! I thought these were really cute of the kids!





Grandpa was really proud of all his children and grand children! He left a great legacy!

The grandsons were palbears

Hartman saying his goodbyes!
The children at the graves site! It was soo cold!
Lil' Ava

Grandpa and Grandma Marshall's three children! Adeana (Hartman's mom) Aunt Linda, and Uncle Gary!


Jennifer, Shallin, and Shara saying goodbye! The older great grand children had a hard time since they had so many memories with grandpa! I thought this photo was touching and showed how much he was loved!


Grandpa Marshall had crystal blue eyes that were stunning! At the gravesite Aunt Jennifer had arranged for 102 blue balloons, one for each great grand child! Each child released their balloon while thinking of a wonderful memory of grandpa! I thought it was beautiful and my favorite part of the day!




The girls starting letting their balloons go while thinking of grandpa marshall and saying goodbye!

They watched the balloons while letting them go

They watched them until they could see them no longer

They said the balloons were going up to heaven with Grandpa!

We love you Grandpa and know we will see you again someday!