"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hartner Halloween

Once a year we look foward to La Ron & John's annual Halloween Party, and this year was no exception. As usual, Hartman likes to make our costumes and try to either be as unique or scary as we can. Well I think this year we went as the scariest thing I could think of...THE MONTHLY MONSTER! Don't know how I talked Hartman into this one, but he was a good sport and it paid off cause we won a costume contest for the 3rd year in a row! Here are some pix of our crazy friends and fun memories!


i said...

that is the most hilarious couples costume ever! :)

Nicole Cave said...

There were some good costumes there!! You guys are way too funny!!