"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Saturday, October 31, 2009

First Lost Tooth

It was an exciting day around here on October 25th. Isabella's first loose tooth that was hanging on my a thread for more than 3 weeks finally fell out! She was more than excited, and could hardly wait for the tooth fairy to come! Before she went to bed that night she asked us if the tooth fairy will leave like $100 so she could buy a video camcorder that she's been wanting. We both said...well not exactly. The tooth fairy doesn't leave that much, but whatever he does leave you can save that towards a camcorder. He left her 9 quarters, and She was happy with that! I can't believe she's already lost her first tooth. It's said for me, but also fun to see how excited she is!

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