First the first time in 6 years we were able to go home to Idaho to be there for a White Christmas morning! A few nights before Christmas, Hartman's sister Jennifer throws a Christmas Party which Santa Clause always shows up to with gifts for the cousins. We left Las Vegas that morning without telling anyone we were coming! We knew Santa was arriving at the party by 8:30 pm, So were on a mission to make it there in time. It's a 9 hour drive without kids, so usually it takes us 11 hours to get there with kids! However, it was a Christmas miracle that we made record time and the kids were so good in the car.
We arrived at about 8:15, knocked on the door and everyone was sooo surprised to see us. It was really fun and there was even tears of joy that we could all be together for Christmas! Within minutes Santa arrived with gifts for each child.
Luka's First Christma

Isabella asked Santa for a Barbie Jeep
Hanging out with cousins is the Best!
Hartman and his Brother Jon
Christmas Eve with Grandpa Marshall! This was the last visit that we saw him. He passed away this past February, so these pictures are very special to us!
Luka was Grandpa Marshall's 100th great grand child. I love this picture of 3 generations. If we had Hartman's mom in the picture it would have been 4 generations!
I also love this picture, except I still look pregnant! Okay he was only 8 weeks, so I still had an excuse! But seriously such a treasure to have this memory of Grandpa on Christmas Eve.
Hartman's SINGLE brother Vaughndavid! He is a really good catch, so if any of you know any cute girls out there...We actually stayed part of our trip at Vaughndavid's house! The girls loved it! He has a gorgeous house and we were able to have Christmas morning with him.
He set up a tree in the basement, and Grandma and Grandpa Stosich came over on Christmas morning to watch the girls open their gifts. The girls were worried that Sants wouldn't find them in Idaho! But they were so excited that he ate his cookies and left them a note! Then they hurried downstairs to open their gifts!
This was the girls "Big" gift for Christmas. It was their Barbie Jeep! They were so excited to finally get one. Since Vaughndavid's basement was empty, they had so much fun riding it all around. They weren't too used to driving it yet and kept running into his walls at full speed!
Hartman opening up some of his gifts
Grandpa enjoying all the exitement
One fun thing that the girls did was go ice fishing with their dad, uncles, and cousin Dillon! It doesn't look fun to me at all, but they LOVE IT! They get that from their dad! They came home with lots of fish and had such a fun time!
The girls couldn't resist off roading their Barbie Jeep in the Snow!
Celebrating Christmas with their Las Vegas cousins Saylor & Hayden! They missed them and were happy to be home! to exhange gifts with them and their Georgia cousins, Ashton & Baron!
By the way, Isabella wants her ears pierced so bad, and I want her to wait! So she always does silly things to make pretend ear rings. These are Luka's baby toy rings! So funny! I've even see her with hair pins dangling down!
I love reading "behind" blogs. it's like I get to relive the magic of Christmas all over again. At least you are up to Christmas and New Years. I just finished Thanksgiving:)
Ha Leanne I know! I'm trying!
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