I can't even begin to explain how busy this month has been for our family! Here are some of the highlights!
Our School's Trunk or Treat!
Isabella's 1st grade Halloween Party! She is my sweet Princess Tiana
Sofia's Kindergarten Craft Day! My little girl's growing up. She is the "queen bee" in her class. Everyone knows and loves her!
Ava's Halloween Party at Pre School! She was so sassy in these photos!
Her class sang some really cute Halloween songs for the parents
Ava and her BFF MaKayla
Miss Ronny and Miss Wendy
Luka's First Birthday Party. We celebrated with our family and extended family...LaRon, John and family & Anthony, Julie & family! We just love this little boy so much and can't believe he's one. I am so blessed to be his mother and we are blessed to have a little brother in our family! Happy Birthday Little Man!
He loved his fire truck bike he got from the Hartners. He could only scoot backwards! He also loved his new toy the fire station from Anthony & Julie and kids, as well as all his new toys and clothes from his family & grandparents! It's really fun to see boy things around our house!
He dug right in and couldn't quit licking his fingers! I think the consistency of the frosting felt funny to him! So cute!
On October 15th, Isabella turned 7 and what she wanted most in the world was to get her ears pierced. So we agreed and took her on her b-day. However, when we got there...her nerves go the best of her and she was really close to backing out!
I wished I would have gotton an after shot, but that look of fear turned instantly to a smile and she was so happy & excited. Here she is opening some presents from her grandparents and was very proud to show off her new earrings!
Later we had a "friends" party at the roller skating rink! She had a blast and it was so fun to see all the kids work so hard at skating. I saw them fall down so many times, but they were such troopers and just kept getting back up and kept going. They worked hard and had a blast!
Hartman made her cake once again!
Here was the first of many Halloween parties. This one was hosted by LaRon & our good friend Drea. They put on such a fun bash for all the kids!

The Sweetest Pink Cowgirl, Princess Mulan, Princess Tiana, & lil' Monkey in the world! I just love my little ones!

The month started off with a girls night at Town Square shopping, Dinner, & a movie to celebrate LeAnn & La Ron's birthdays! It's always a blast hanging out with our good friends!
Now I'm ready for November, cause I'm exhausted!!!!!
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