"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well my sister convienced me to start a blog & the more I thought about it, I thought it seemed like a fun idea. It usually takes me a while to "give in to the trends", but this blogging thing seems really cool! Since we are all so far away here in Las Vegas from many family & friends, it's a great way to stay connected. I'm going to try & post new updates of our family every week! Plus, I'm excited becuase it's a good way for me to journal our family's history!

So for a little update, Hartman and I have been married now for 7 years on June 1st! We met at the University Ward here in Las Vegas! I graduated with a bachelors degree from UNLV after attending 3 years at BYU-Hawaii. I than taught first grade for 6 years than decided to stay home after having our second daughter. I know have my own buisness as a Director with Heritage Makers. I am a storybook coach and help people write their own family stories & have them published in beautiful books! I'll post a link sometime to view my latest projects. Hartman has been on the Clark County Fire Department now for 3 1/2 years as a firefighter, and is currently working towards promoting to an Engineer! It's wonderful job that allows him to be home with his family a lot!

We now have 3 daughters. Isabella, Sofia, and Ava. We also have a springer spaniel named Chloe! Isabella is now 4 1/2 & is truly a wonderful little girl. She loves anything pink & sparkly! She is the ultimate girly girl! We can't believe she will start pre-school this fall! Sofia is 3 & let's us know everyday that she is the "middle child". She has two volumes loud & louder Sofia is one of a kind & cracks us up with her cute personality! She likes dress up and plays with princesses like her big sister, but she also likes to get dirty in the sand, & has quite the artistic side to her! Both Isabella and Sofia play really well together & like to use their imaginations! Every where we go people think we have twins! But they are only 16 1/2 months apart! Little Ava is so sweet and cute! She is 15 1/2 months and is walking and wandering all over the place exploring everything. We can't keep track of her! She's so busy! She loves to laugh at her sisters, blow kisses, and push the stoller around! She is also a little daddy's girl & looks just like him! Needless to say we are very busy with 3 girls all 4 and under! They are so precious and I am excited to share with all our family & friends all their fun and new things that they are up to.

Please send us your blogs if you have one & we can view them as well or send a comment so that we can hear from you all!!!

1 comment:

La Ron said...

Yeah! I am so glad you have a blog now. Your page is so cute. When Saylor saw the pictures of the girls she said Mom they look like princesses. I love it. They look so cute in their pink skirts, gray shirts and pig tails. Welcome to the blogging world.