"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Monday, September 29, 2008

Oprah Called

This tiny 5x5 storybook had a huge impact on a very influential person! Many people can say Oprah made a difference in their lives, but not many people can say they've made a difference in Oprah's life! But with the power of storybooking, My friend, Brenda Kruse from Iowa and fellow Heritage Makers consultant, was able to touch the life of a very busy, very powerful woman.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oprah called my friend!

It was a Wednesday at 5:46 p.m. Central Time (5-28-2008). She was putting away groceries while her kids were playing outside. A call came into her cell phone that said "Private Call" and she went to answer but she couldn't hear anything so she hung up. A minute later, her voicemail chime sounded so she went to check it, expecting a telemarketer or political promo.

But that's when she experienced the surprise of my life...it was Oprah Winfrey on her voicemail! You can listen to her exact voice mail on the link to the right! It expresses her appreciation and love for the idea of storybooking!

She said, "All I know is I dropped the loaf of bread I had in my hands (good thing it wasn't eggs or a jar of spaghetti sauce!) and stood frozen to my kitchen floor with goosebumps from head to toe.

She called to say thank you for the book I'd created and sent her about her dog, Gracie, who died a year ago. Getting a personal call from Ms. O herself, I was stunned to say the least."

I am so proud to be apart of such an amazing company and to partner with amazing women like Brenda. We are the pioneers of this company and I feel a strong mission to instruct, inspire, and to motivate everyone on the POWER OF STORY! We are not a photo book company, we are a storybook company with so many options in our studio in becoming your own personal publisher. I take pride in the fact that I am a storybook coach and I help people catpture their past, live their present,and build a bridge for the future in building our Heritage!!!

I know how powerful our family storybooks are to us! And it was really cool to see how it also touched a very influential and powerful woman like Oprah Winfery! How exciting! I am also excited as our fall holiday season is around the corner to announce some of our new and cutting edge tools and products! I'll be posting them as they come! I've also been having a blast teaching a weekly workshop using our new workshop format to all those out there wanting to learn how to digital storybook, photo solutions, strengthen family and homesI know I'm passionate, but it's easy to be because I love it so much! Happy Storybooking!!!


La Ron said...

You know you have arrived when Oprah calls you!!! That is pretty awesome.

Jason & Claire said...

Oh my heck! That is crazy! It really is such a neat thing you are doing. I need to get on top of things. I don't know how you do it all.

Nicole Cave said...

That is way cool. I can honestly say I have never made the time to check out this company, but Emilie Fish has told me she has done a book before and loved it. I should give it a shot one day!

i said...

it's amazing....of course!