"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Direct Sales on Good Morning America

So excited that Heritage Makers was mentioned on Good Morning America. I have to say that I know at times Direct Sales gets a bad rep, but let me tell you it's been awesome for me and my family to earn an extra income.  Plus I love being a publishing coach so much. I've learned so much about my own heritage and how to help others preserve their memories. Anyways, this segment on GMA on direct sales was really cool!  I realize direct sales is not for everyone, but I'm just blessed I found such an awesome company with lots of integrity.   Check out the link below!
Five Ways to Make Cash Fast - ABC News

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Jason & Claire said...

How cool that they included heritage makers! How are you feeling? Good I hope;)

Steve and Katie said...

excellent! It was so great seeing you this weekend! My blog is


email is kathrynforrey@gmail.com

Glad we can keep in touch! Kate

oh, and email me if you want those DVD's of G & G Stosich! Love ya!