I need to catch up a bit with some important firsts for our family. Within the last month in a half: I flew to and from Georgia by myself with all 3 girls. Hartman re-finished my parents antique furniture that was given to us and Sofia moved from a toddler bed to a big girls bed. She was pretty excited. Sofia was also potty trained (finally), Isabella started her first year of pre-school and loves her Ms. Mandi and Ms. Nanette, Sofia started a 3 year old co-op pre-school where 6 of us parents teach every 6 weeks at our house, Ava learned to raise her hand, the girls learned to drive a 4 wheeler while in Georgia, Ava got her first haircut by Grandma Anne, Hartman had to say goodbye to his girls for almost 4 weeks (the longest we've all been apart), and Ava went to nursery! Needless to say since August we've been really busy and alot's been going on with our family! This was for sure the short version of it all, but wanted to get it on the blog for my own personal journaling! We are excited for the fall and what I'm sure will bring many more milestones!

Sofia & Bella's First Week of School

My first week teaching Sofia's Preschool. It went really well!

While teaching the kids to raise their hand, Ava joined right in! How cute!

Four hours to and from Atlanta with the three kids on the plane was not my favorite thing in the world to do. Luckily I drug them them an hour before take-off :)!

The girls were proud of their beds & especially Sofia who graduated from her toddler bed!

Sofia was so proud she was going to the potty! She learned at Grandma Anne's house while in Ga. so of course we had to send many potty pictures to daddy in Las Vegas!
Isabella's first day of school in her "Smarty Pants" clothes going to "Smarty Pants" Pre-school she was so proud!
Riding their tractor in Uncle Thomas' backyard for hours! They weren't afraid to run you over if you were in the way!
Look how cute my bangs are! So proud!
Saying goodbye to Daddy for almost 4 weeks was so sad! We missed him so much!
Grandma Anne cutting Ava's hair for the first time!

Ava's First Day of Nursery! We were all so HAPPY!
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