This Halloween was filled with so much fun! We took 2 trips to the pumpkin patch: one as a family and one as a field trip, we had 2 school Halloween parties, one amazing Hartner Halloween Party just for Mommy's and daddies, pumpkin carving, Trunk or Treat, and Trick or Treat! The girls got to wear their costumes 4 times this month which they loved! Notice Hartman's handmade freaky costume! He worked really hard on this in our garage one day! He even rigged it so he could pull a rope and move the hatchet! The work paid off because he won 2 costume contests! Hope you all had a Happy Halloween, I know we did!

Trunk or Treat

Miss Daisy Duck...aka Ava! She really got the hang of trick or treating. We would stroll up to the house, she would quickly get out and waddle to the front door and hold out her pumpkin then waddle back to the stroller! Towards the end her pumpkin got so heavy she was dragging it, but she wouldn't let go for anything! She loves those suckers!!! What a cutie!

Wonder Woman...AKA Sofia. Strike that pose. It's so funny, because if you notice this is Sofia's favorite pose! She does this in almost every picture...even when she's not Wonder Woman! We call it the Aunt Nanette pose. Because she did it one time and her Aunt Lynette laughed so hard that she does it all the time now!

Purple Fairy...AKA Isabella. Bella was so proud of this costume and picked it out herself! She was especially proud of the purple hair! She loved it! She said this was the perfect costume because the "Tinkerbell" movie had just come out! So cute!

He only made a few kids cry...

Grandma and Grandpa Stosich were able to be down here from Idaho for this week and enjoyed trunk or treat with us! The girls were so happy they were here!

Sofia, Hayden, Saylor, and Bella: Cousins and Best Friends

Fire Fighter E. Stosich and Scary Freaky Man....AKA Emily & Hartman! We had a lot of fun at the Hartner Halloween party! The skits were hysterical! Bees! Bees!

The Stosich Family at the Pumpkin Patch

Trying to get Sofia to leave the pumpkin patch was not fun at all. She kept hiding behind the pumpkins. I got the shot of her peeking her big brown eyes up to see if the coast was clear!

Stosich Sisters

Our little punkin

The girls like getting all the gooey junk out of the pumpkin then watching dad carve a scary face! Excuse the lack of clothes! I'm surprised Isabella wasn't stripped down in the photo as well, usually they are all naked!

Sofia's Pre-school Costume Party! They decorated cookies, had a treasure hunt, made spider webs, and played games. Thanks Tina! It's that pose again!

Isabella's Pre-school Costume party! They trick or treated inside Mrs. Mandi's house. The mom's were behind the doors in the house! Isabella thought it was funny to keep coming back to trick or treat to my door!