"Have joy in the home.  Have joy in your husband.  Have joy in your children.  Enjoy the journey." ~Marjorie Kay Hinkley~

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Twilight Addict...I finally Gave In!

I know I'm late jumping on the band wagon. My sister LaRon had been trying to get me to read Twilight for a while now along with the other million mom's dying over it, but I just couldn't bring myself to start another addiction. I knew I'd like it, but didn't have time to get caught up in one more thing. I mean I already have two many tv show addictions, blogging addiction, and digital storybooking addiction, and not to mention my beautiful little girls and one handsome husband to take care of. So LaRon and my sister in law Julie along with some friends bought the midnight showing of Twilight's Movie on Thursday night and of course I want to see it. So I decided I better read the book before Thursday! I started it yesterday and yes I'm loving it ( I knew I would). I'm on chapter six and I hope I can get it read before Thursday night, Even if it means some late nights! My husband thinks we're silly girls! He'll think silly when he sees us in our TEAM EDWARD T-SHIRTS Thursday night!


La Ron said...

Yeah! I am so glad you are reading it. You won't be disapointed. I can't wait till Thursday. Now, get off the computer and get reading!

The Bishop Family said...

i just started reading them too. But i am only on the second book New Moon. Its a good addiction

Megan & Brian said...
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Megan & Brian said...

I held out for a long time too, but gave in when my SIL bought me Twilight. Those books got me through my morning sickness!